半月刊特别企划 - 俄罗斯分部访谈

在线用户 - 1

评分: +62+x
评分: +62+x

在线用户 - 2

评分: +62+x
评分: +62+x

受访者 - 1


工作组 - 3

la kanro
Doctor HHZ
la kanro
Nice to meet you, Osobist. Would you like to provide a self-introduction for our readers?
Sure. My real name is Dmitry but most of SCP-community knows me as Osobist. I've joined community in 2011, became a moderator the same year and became an admin in February 2012. My main duties on site are reviewing apps from new members, speaking from behalf of the SCP-RU community in social media and maintaining general order on wiki and chats.
la kanro
As an old SCP-RU user, could you tell us how you learned about SCP and its Russian Branch?
A friend of mine told me. She learned about from local meme encyclopedia. That time we're trying to write a some sort of "creepypasta book" (don't ask) and were searching for some fuel.
I've read couple of translations, joined, started to translate articles myself and here we are.
la kanro
Speaking of translations, I noticed that RU's tag system is not parallel to EN's. Why was it designed like that?
We had multiple tag reforms back time, first in 2012. We have never pursued the goal to copy EN's tag system, the basic goal is to create simple but effective tag system that allows our readers to find various stuff fast. I can say that current result is not final and we may to review it again. Or not, this is still developing feature.
la kanro
How do your branch apply tags to the translations? Is this job done by translators themselves or by staff members?
Translators do basic application, sometimes staff can review it or help with it.
la kanro
The last update on SCP Legal Funds was posted in 2021. Have you made any progress on the legal case after that?
官方给出的取消原因是Andrey Duksin本人〝自愿申请取消”。然而,他提出这一申请是因为俄罗斯知识产权法院已经就第SIP-143/2021号案件作出了裁决,其中声明Andrey Duksin或任何其他人(至少在俄罗斯)都无权以我们社区的名义取得商业专有权。此外,它还要求俄罗斯联邦反垄断局恢复对Andrey Duksin的不正当竞争案件。
同样,联邦反垄断局2022年10月25日在其对第078/01/14.4-117/2020号案件的裁决中表示,Andrey Duksin获取该商标专有权的行为是不正当竞争行为。
目前,我们正在等待反垄断局下达Andrey Duksin行为应有的审判结果(在俄罗斯反垄断立法中,对违法事实的事实陈述和对所述违法行为的起诉在诉讼的不同阶段进行)。
Regarding legal progress.
First things first: on July 4, 2022, trademark No. 661748 "The SCP Foundation" was officially canceled by the Russian Federal Service for Intellectual Property.
Attached find an extract from the Register of Trademarks and Service Marks.
The official reason for the cancellation was the "voluntary application" by Andrey Duksin himself. However, he filed this application because the Russian Intellectual Property Court has made a decision in case no. SIP-143/2021, in which it stated that neither Andrey Duksin nor anyone else (at least in Russia) has the right to take commercial exclusive rights on the name of our community. Also, it compelled the Russian Federal Antimonopoly Service to resume the case of unfair competition against Andrey Duksin.
In turn, the Federal Antimonopoly Service, in its decision of October 25, 2022 in case No. 078/01/14.4-117/2020, has stated that Andrey Duksin's actions to take exclusive rights to this trademark is an act of unfair competition.
At the moment we are awaiting the results of the trial in the antimonopoly department on bringing Andrey Duksin to responsibility for his actions (in Russian antimonopoly legislation, the fact of violation and prosecution of said violation are carried out at different stages of the proceedings).
la kanro
Scpper, developed by an RU member, is a powerful tool for every contributor. How does your branch support the development and maintenance of this tool?
Honestly, we're not involved in this in any way. That's really powerful tool and FiftyNine doing amazing work, but there were only one case when we had to use SCPper to catch a net of malicious downvoters.
la kanro
Malicious downvoting is indeed an issue that every branch has to worry about. Could you describe the case in details?
Okay, one member managed to bring around 25 accounts to make massive upvotes and downvotes. At least 40% were initially fake accounts but also he managed to retrieve passwords from real users, deceiving them by various means, like "gimme ur passwod, hav to downvot smthg!"
la kanro
That is really despicable. Since your branch has migrated to a new website, how do you prevent imposters during the migration?
There were only one case, after all. Right now we're trying to let in people with at least one contact in social media, not to mention e-mail. If there is any doubts that person is real, we're declining the application. i also have to say that managing a net with even 10 accounts by hands is kinda hard work and person who did this in past totally have no life. So I'm not afraid that this will happen again in a same scale.
la kanro
Speaking of the new site, are there any technical issues that remain to be solved?
Yeah, there is. I cannot tell much, since it's not my area of responsibility but new site, while already operational is still far from initial design. We're aim to carefully clean it up from any possible bugs before adding new technical stuff.
la kanro
By the way, I noticed that the new site uses the five-point scale instead of the traditional rating system. What is the consideration behind this change?
This gives our voters more flexible tool to show their opinion. Before you had to say "I like it but…" or "I dislike it but" and the only thing you can do to reflect it rate module is only no vote at all. Now you can specify exact number in your vote and say why you removing or adding a point or two.
la kanro
Well let's go back to creation. What are the most popular original GoIs and Canon Hubs in the RU branch?
Grotto of Gangrenous God, I believe, Meat Circus is next. About the hubs is Hopetown hub, I'm not sure that it was translated, link on SCP-RU: https://scpfoundation.net/h
la kanro
Could you provide a brief description of Hopetown hub?
That's a hub about the world where is so much anomalous zones that SCP Foundation have to protect last non-anomalous zones and rest of humanity living there.
la kanro
That sounds quite crowded. By the way, the "Progress" Institute has gained some attention in the CN branch. When reading its hub page, I'm also reminded of science fiction during the Soviet Union. What do you think of the aesthetic and literary ideas behind this GoI?
So, about the "Progress". I haven't read much about it, but I like Soviet aesthetic in general. I mean part of it that focused on scientific progress and great future.
I also like that our GoIs got attention of other branches. I'll be glad to see articles about them written there.
la kanro
Speaking of SCP articles, many have noticed that SCP-RU starts from 1001 instead of 002. What was the consideration behind that? Will you use the 002-099 range in the future?
At first we've picked that numeration to avoid crossing numbers with SCP-EN, that time only SCP Series I existed. And at the same time we added -RU part to underscore that this are our original articles. Since SCP-EN opened SCP Series II very soon its turned out to be a very smart move. No, there is no such plan to fill 002-999 range.
la kanro
Let's talk about 1150-J. Some did not immediately get the joke when reading it. What do you think of the humour behind it since you gave it an upvote?
The joke behind is that article describes SCP Foundation but unfunded properly, decaying, ineffective. In comparison with an Foundation that we used to - powerful and wealthy enough to build bases on Moon - this made me laugh hard.
la kanro
By the way, there are not so many RU translations on CN. Would you like to recommend some untranslated stories to our translators?
la kanro
Thank you for your recommendations. I was quite delighted when i saw CN-1109 was translated into Russian. Are there other CN stories that are popular in RU?
SCP-CN-2469, also known as SCP-6470 has better rate for sure, even after votes wipe.
la kanro
Let's focus on the community outside the wiki. Since you maintain order on these areas, how do you communicate with SCP fans on social media?
I constantly check popular fangroups in Russian media and periodically comment posts there, also I keep open my own contacts including my phone number, so curious people can ask me directly any related question.
la kanro
Have the wiki ever conducted large events to interact with these fans before?
Wiki never conducted such events by itself but participated in two SCP-fests, conducted in Moscow in 2019 and 2021 by enthusiasts, we were involved as information partners and guests. There were large scale events, first SCP-fest gathered around 500 people.
We were surprised to say the least.
la kanro
Wow that's impressive. At the end of the interview, would you like to talk about the wiki's plan for 2023?
There is not much plans actually except for bring new site to it's complete state. That's our first priority right now.
la kanro
Thank you for your participation in this interview. I hope your new site would be a model for other branches' future migration from Wikidot.
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