SCP OCT锦标赛 中心页


keyiikeyii vs WerylliumWeryllium vs OthellotheCatOthellotheCat

"Stacey Lee" VS Armando VS Leslie
Grin and Bear It(未译) 炼金术的武器 Let Her Heart DEET Once More(未译)
Anomalous Teens Against Trilobite Schemes(未译) Poky Charms(未译) La Marcha GrenaDEETa(未译)
Cafeteria Chat(未译) Arm-ageddon(未译) I am Become DEET, Destroyer of Worlds(未译)
Coming Soon! Coming Soon! The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny(未译)

UraniumEmpireUraniumEmpire vs psulpsul vs Gabriel JadeGabriel Jade

Veronica Fitzroy VS Tomàs Rey特工 VS 疫医
D-7294's Declassified D-Class Survival Guide(未译) Ombres Malvants: 1) Tooth and Claw(未译) Going Home
The Last Things Dr. Darryl Loyd Ever Did, in Chronological Order(未译) 2) blue pills(未译) Los Dias Y Los Caballeros De Leslie Y El Doctor(未译)
Baptism of the Wandering Jew by Johnny the Son(未译) 3) Green Recruit(未译) Foundation Facilities, and How to Loot Them(未译)
Coming Soon! Ombres Malvants: 4) Blackout(未译) Coming Soon!

投稿截止日期:中部时间4月5日11:59 pm,即北京时间4月6日12:59 am 。

投票截止日期:中部时间4月26日11:59 pm,即北京时间4月27日12:59 am。或者最后一个人发布后3周。1


你问那些已经发布了第4轮参赛作品的人呢? 好吧,只有这篇文章发表后前三周的选票才算在内。感谢,scpper!







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