项目负责人:E. Mann博士
注释:“这将会被作为未来423的效果底线来对待”-E. Mann博士
测试材料:《霍比特人》,J. R. R. Tolkien著
测试材料:《勇者斗恶龙》,Anne McCaffrey著
测试材料:《尤利西斯》1,James Joyce著
测试材料:《天龙酒馆》, Larry Niven著
测试材料:《共和国战歌》3,Julia Ward Howe著
测试材料:《玛丽有只小羊羔》(只有第1节和第2节),Sarah Josepha Hale著
测试材料:《玛丽有只小羊羔》(完整版),Sarah Josepha Hale著
测试材料:《树叶屋》4(有色版),Mark Z. Danielewski著
结果:在███一名名为Fred的邮递员给Will Navidson送了一封信,Fred也出现在了Johnny出现的酒吧里,并且还是一名抚养Pelafina的监护人。在离开这本书之后,SCP-423表现了严重的混乱症状。值得注意的是在文中所有名为Fred的实体都是用绿色字写出来的。
测试材料:《加德斯比:青年的冠军》,Ernest Vincent Wright著,《加德斯比》是一本扩展讳字文:一篇50,110个单词构成的完全没有“e”字母的文章
结果:13篇独立俳句的第3行被一段5音节的提到了Fred的短语所替代(“Fred watched silently”,“Fred is also here”,“Only Fred remains”,等等)。
测试材料:《血色子午线》,Cormac McCarthy著
测试材料:《十二怒汉》,Reginald Rose著
测试材料:《库马斯插曲》5,Woody Allen著,描述了一个能在小说之间旅行的人。
测试材料: SCP-701
测试材料:一张5元面值的加拿大纸币(2008年版);一张5元面值加拿大纸币的背面(2008年版),包含了2句来自“The Hockey Sweater”的语句,Roch Carrier著,分别以英语和法语写就。
结果:第一句原封不动,第二句,描述了滑冰场在加拿大青年之中有多么重要,现在提到了生活“在滑冰场上,和Fred一起”(同时也出现了“sur la patinoire, avec Fred”)。
测试材料:《魔戒I-魔戒同盟》,J. R. R. Tolkien著
结果:一名名为Fredegar Burrowes的霍比特人,描述为Samwise Gamgee的朋友,在整本书中陪伴着Frodo Baggins和他的队伍。
结果:待O5批准。 实验被O5-█禁止。
测试材料:《月之花园》, Steven Erikson著
注释:“这证明了423在同一故事中可以出现在不同的地方,虽然它看起来累坏了。R. Karma博士”
测试材料:候选人多线程映射,Sanjam Garg著,这是他2013年发表的博士论文。(Candidate Multilinear Maps是一篇有关密码学的优秀论文)
注释:"看起来423需要一个故事才能工作,这在将来的实验中需要加以注意。 - R. Karma博士"
测试材料:一段简单的C#源码,作用是打印出“Hello World”。
测试材料:《深入C#(第3版第一次印刷)》,Andrew Stellman和Jennifer Greene著
结果:一些由男性角色参与的实例被重命名为Fred,练习题也被解答了。在大约100页后,书上到处都写满了笔记。直到698页前都没有太大变化,在那一页上,一个已被记载在勘误表上的拼写错误被纠正了。在随后的几页中,一系列在代码片段和文字解释中的拼写错误和语言问题都被修正了,与勘误表中发现的错误相符,并且配上了报错的屏幕截图。回到日志上之后,SCP-423报告称它觉得这“很有趣,很特别。”在被问到它是否理解了这门语言时,SCP-423说它能够书写并且理解C#,并表达了想要使用Visual Studio的愿望。
注释:"423看起来既有学习能力又有学习动力,只要学习的过程有“故事性”。在潜在的未来的实验中,我们可以尝试将它转移进一台未联通网络的电脑中。 -R.Karma博士"
测试材料:《忍者的秘密(选择你自己的冒险 第16辑)》,Jay Leibold著
注释:"423看起来并没有明目张胆地妨碍分支故事的进行,也没有妨碍多结局的出现。" - 调查员 ████
测试材料:一份AANVVV新闻组的FAQ(Frequently Asked Questions,常见问题。AANVVV:以alt.形容词.名词.动词.动词.动词的形式的一串短语,以此为名的新闻组(一种论坛),必须以此为格式发帖)
测试材料:《施氏食狮史》 赵元任著 该文是一首92字的文言诗歌,所有的字都读作不同的声调的“shi”。
结果:收集本现在含有众多提及Fred Wordsworth之处,他是泽维尔天才青少年学校的一名学生。这一角色被描述成一个拥有用身体进入与改变任意文本能力的变种人,但这力量“让他不可见不可触摸”。到了第5期,该角色变成了X战警组织的后备成员,别名“书虫”。该角色通过利用他的能力间接参与了数个情节转折点,在一个案例中他通过改变附近的信号牌使一个恶棍分心。
测试材料: 《第五号屠宰场》,库尔特·冯内古特著。本书是一部半自传体小说,叙述了冯内古特于1945年在第二次世界大战德国德累斯顿轰炸期间作为美国战俘所经历的故事。
结果: 小说中所有提及库尔特·冯内古特的部分(不包括序言)都被修改,以描述SCP-423。(例如:“那是我,那是我,那是这本书的作者。”变成了“那是Fred,那不是我,那不是这本书的作者。”)
笔记: 由于这部小说中很少提到库尔特·冯内古特本人,因此从技术上讲他可以被描述为“次要”角色。
日期: ██/██/████
测试材料:《边缘小子》,S. E. Hinton著
日期: ██/██/████
测试材料:《Fred的故事》 ,研究员Torrez著,一篇为了测试SCP-423的能力而创作的中篇小说。故事被设定在一个奇幻王国中,其居民全部为漂亮的女性——当王国被恶魔之力袭击时,王国的女王举行了一场仪式,从另一个维度中召唤英雄来保护她们。英雄被设定为男性,可以在不同的小说间转移自己的意识。英雄的名字未被给出。
日期: ██/██/████
测试材料:《最后的问题》,艾萨克·阿西莫夫著。此次测试没有使用物理文本,而是使用了一台9.7英尺A█████ K█████电子书。在经过初始渲染后,电子书便可以无限期显示静态图像(无需电源)。一经渲染,图像将以油状基底中悬浮油墨的形式留存。整篇故事以小字体显示在单页上。作为预防措施,研究人员切断了设备内打印电路板上的电路,以使其无线网络功能失效。
笔记:“尚不清楚SCP-423是否‘进入’了电子书的内部电路,或者仅仅是进入了油墨悬浮物。相比在传统载体上进行的测试而言,变化发生得更为迅速。已申请用其他材料和形式的载体进行更多测试。似乎对于SCP-423来说,电子书与传统载体足够相似,可以承载其活动。还有什么东西适用呢?在墙上写字?绣在织物上?用糖霜在蛋糕上写字?”- Dr. ██████
日期: ██/██/████
测试材料:《寒冬夜行人》,Italo Calvino著(William Weaver英译版),一本关于被打断和未结束的叙述的元小说。小说一半的内容是第二人称叙事,内容为一位读者因为装帧错误而不得不多次退换《寒冬夜行人》。最终他发觉每一本《寒冬夜行人》都是残缺的,每一章的内容都来自于一本不同的虚构小说。另一半的内容便是上述虚构小说。
日期: ██/██/████
结果: 几分钟后,在所有有关他的停止的参考文献中,Fred仅在前三卷《在斯万家那边》《在少女们身旁》《在盖尔芒特家那边》中出现。回到杂志上后,SCP-423做出了表示惊讶的陈述:“精彩的故事,但我瞄了一眼它有多长。真的是太长了。我需要回到这本杂志里。”
笔记: 加上上面所提的Erikson的实验,它可能是SCP-423有它所能显示的作品长度有上限的一个提示。
日期: ██/██/████
测试材料: SCP-3450,打印在标准电子计算机用纸上。
日期: ██/██/████
测试材料: 《人鼠之间》,John Steinbeck著。
结果:全书数处出现一名叫Freddy的角色,为农场上的农业工人。旁白将其描述为“比农场上的其他人相比更加英俊,因为他的面容远不像其他人一般被劳动磨损”。其最主要的出场位于George Milton与Lennie Small到达农场一处。在经过两位主角时,他对Lennie的体型加以评价,称他“像头学会用后腿走路的公牛”。
日期: ██/██/████
测试材料: 300颗儿童字母积木。
结果: 没有变化。
笔记: 此次实验的结果并非定论。SCP-423是否将积木上的字母看作图像而非文本?它是否只能影响单个积木而“没有发挥空间”?还是它无法影响这样的书写方式?势必要进行更多类似的实验。
日期: ██/██/████
测试材料: SCP-2236。SCP-2236被用于观察已知被SCP-423影响的文本。
结果: 首先被观察的几个文本没有显现变化。在接下来观察的文本中,提到SCP-423的部分用SCP-2236观察时变为对“Fred”寻找藏身处或避开观察的描述。在回到日志后,日志上出现一条“那真无礼”的评论。此条评论用SCP-2236观察时显现为一串脏话。
日期: ██/██/████
测试材料: 一本用隐形墨水写有“玛丽有只小羊羔”的日志
结果: 与上次测试“玛丽有只小羊羔”时的结果相同。SCP-423以无色墨水显现。当问起SCP-423是否注意到墨水的变化时,他承认文档看起来有些不同。
笔记: SCP-423似乎能识别文本间特定的格式和差异,解释了其依存于故事性文本的原因。该实验证明了此结论。
日期: ██/██/████
测试材料: 一份伏尼契手稿的副本。
结果: 五分钟后文本没有发生变化。SCP-423解释称主题技术性太强而无法理解,虽然SCP-423称伏尼契手稿中的图片似乎的确符合其下的说明。
日期: ██/██/████
测试材料: 一份庞加莱猜想的维基页面的硬抄本
结果: SCP-423仅在参考文献之一中出现。它称自己由于缺少庞加莱猜想的相关知识而找不到合适的地方出现,虽然它相当佩服庞加莱的数学能力。
日期: ██/██/████
测试材料: 《隐喻》,Sylvia Plath著,为一首九行诗,每行有九个音节且隐喻了同一个对象。
结果: 没有变化。SCP-423回到其日志时,它声称“不管她在那里做什么都太挤了,没有我的位置。我真的不觉得自己应该在那里,有点私人?”,并拒绝进一步评论。
日期: ██/██/████
测试材料: 一本《盗梦空间》的电影剧本副本,Christopher Nolan著
结果: SCP-423在几个梦境及迷失域(limbo)中作为次要角色出场。它适应了剧本中的大写格式(“FRED”)及每次出场时名字在页面内居中,其后附有一段台词。SCP-423称其非常享受阅读该剧本,虽然他对“渐出”和“人员名单”感到困惑,因其第一次接触到电影剧本。
日期: ██/██/████
测试材料: 《波西米亚狂想曲》之歌词,皇后乐队作。
结果: 第二和第三段主歌中的“Mama”被替换成“Frederica”。SCP-423似乎没有意识到材料为歌词而非诗文。看来SCP-423并未掌握所有信息,不足以使其改变诗歌的走向或完成故事设立的任何目标。
日期: ██/██/████
测试材料: 《五十度灰》,E.L. James著。
结果: 背景中出现一名为“Fred”的次要角色。SCP-423表示其对书中的露骨情景感到不舒适,并请求下次将其送入具更多冒险、动作情节的故事。
笔记: 似乎SCP-423也偏好特定类别的书籍;这是它第一次接触明确提及性行为的书籍,所以它并未适应此种情况。
日期: ██/██/████
测试材料: 《这是故事的标题,同时也在故事中多次出现》,David Moser著,为一关于自我指涉(self-reference)的元虚构故事。6
结果: 全书出现几处附加语句,包括“这是Fred出现的句子”、“这不是Fred出现的句子”与“这个句子间接提到了Fred的出现,但其实不包括Fred”
日期: ██/██/████
测试材料: 由 X██ 博士撰写,一份列出了 100 个虚构人物在不同地方同时做事的清单,结局悲惨,并在最后对每个人造成悲剧的原因进行了全面的叙述。
结果: 该测试旨在确定SCP-423在一本书中可以同时驻留的位置数量是否存在上限。在100个虚构人物中,只有83个提到了“Fred”。悲剧最终没有被阻止。SCP-423指出它在故事中经历了83个不同的地方后感到太累了。
日期: ██/██/████
结果: 尚无定论,SCP-423表示除了某些东西不是球形这一事实之外,它不确定自己在做什么。研究人员很快就忘记了他们派SCP-423去做什么。
日期: ██/██/████
测试材料: SCP-2719的实验数据记录,但“结果”一栏未列出任何信息。文件底部额外增加了一条以“SCP-423”为指针的记录,同样未列出结果。
结果: 数据被准确填充,和SCP-2719的实际内容一致。SCP-423的结果为“成为内部”。当SCP-423被询问时,SCP-423称它只是看到了在各个实体上发生了什么,尽管SCP-2719只是一个抽象的形而上学概念。SCP-423也以某种方式经历了成为内部的过程,尽管它并不具有关于SCP-2719的知识。关于SCP-2719和SCP-423需进行更多测试。
笔记: 抽象实体似乎能像对一个普通人一样对SCP-423产生作用,即使SCP-423并不清楚正在发生什么。它似乎还能根据已发生的事件对文档的缺失部分进行填空。
Date: ██/██/████
Test Material: Experiment Log 914 - Part II
Result: A record appeared in Test Logs, Part 8 of an experiment performed by "Guest Researcher Fred", with the rest of the data for said experiment blocked out.
Test Material: The Abridged History of Homo Sapiens by History Analysis Subroutine #7589372357286473-NFIZ
Results: SCP-423 is featured under the "unknown periods" section as a featureless humanoid screaming in a infinite white void and rambling incoherently. After being returned SCP-423 showed signs on prolonged exposure to weak-time suggesting that SCP-423 still understands temporal physics in a manner similar to organic beings.
Date: ██/██/████
Test Material: An untitled 50,000 page "story" created by randomization bound by grammar and basic sentence structure created for this test.
Result: The sentence "Joshua went to the diagonal party without his safety ants." was replaced with "Joshua went to the diagonal party without his safety Fred."
Notes: SCP-423 noted that being in the document was similar to when it has experienced dreams in other stories which it slept.
Date: ██/██/████
Test Material: A printout of the gamescript for "The Secret of Monkey Island". Result was laser-scanned and the raw text compiled into a working program after being screened for anomalies.
Results: An NPC named Fred appears near the small building at the pier on Melee Island. When spoken to, the player is presented with a dialogue tree. Questioning him on his backstory reveals that he tried and failed to become a pirate. It is mandatory to recruit him on the ship's crew for the second chapter, where he joins the mutiny. Subsequent cutscenes have him present with the rest of the crew.
Notes: Upon returning to the journal, SCP-423 remarked "That was like a choose-your-own-adventure book. Let me know if you find any more."
日期: ██/██/████
测试材料: 一百万个随机数(兰德公司1955年出版)
结果: 加上了一段Dr. Frederick McCarthy的前言,阐述这些数是如何用统计法产生的。
Date: ██/██/████
Test Material: The "Location, Location, Location" story arc from the first print collection of "Precocious". Precocious is a webcomic where all characters are anthropomorphic animals. However, none of the dialogue in this particular story states or implies a species. The purpose of the test is to determine if SCP-423 can "sense" artwork.
Results: Mr. Crupp states the name of the father in an offscreen family to be named Fred. Upon returning to the journal, SCP-423 was asked if the cast of this story were human. SCP-423 states that they were animals, and he himself took on the form of an arctic fox. Further questioning reveals that this was the most nondescript species of the choices he was given.
日期: ██/██/████
测试材料: 莎士比亚所著剧本《哈姆雷特》。
结果: 在第一场第二幕中,一个名字叫“Frederick”的角色在克劳迪乌斯国王演讲时打了一个喷嚏。哈姆雷特笑了笑。未发现其他更改。
笔记: 当对SCP-423询问原因时,SCP-423回答道:“我觉得那个演讲有点无聊。”
日期: ██/██/████7
注释: SCP-423作出如下声明:“你们都很他妈,讨,厌,我。”
Date: ██/██/████
Test Material: Field Agent Scott Pinkerton's Personnel File.
Results: Text regarding the recruitment of Agent into the SCP Foundation show addition of an individual by the name of Security Guard Fred who is stated to have kept guard during Pinkerton's preliminary interview. No other changes noted.
Notes: No security personnel matching said name were posted during any of Agent Scott's job interviews for the Foundation.
Date: ██/██/████
Test Material: "The Essential Calvin and Hobbes: A Calvin and Hobbes Treasury" by Bill Watterson
Results: In strips where Calvin and Hobbes discuss the 'noodle incident' a kid named Fred, who was a witness, is occasionally mentioned. In one strip, after Calvin's mother attended a parent-teacher conference, Calvin worries Fred 'spilled the beans to her.'
Notes: When questioned about the noodle incident, SCP-423 stated "Okay, my memory's hazy, but from what I remember, noodles were definitely involved, and so was Calvin."
Addendum: In other words, we still know [REDACTED] all about the noodle incident. It would be inaccurate to say I'm a little disappointed… I am greatly disappointed. - Doctor Margin
Date: ██/██/████
Test Material: A short story written by Dr. R███ about a fictional man who asks some other characters to write a computer program in C# and then Java in a job interview.
Results: A character named Fred participates and completes both tasks without problem.
Notes: When questioned about its ability to write a program in Java, despite no evidence that it could before, SCP-423 stated that it "just sort of knew how." When asked if it could write another program in Java, SCP-423 said it could not. It is theorized that the ability to perform a task it did not know how to do is similar to temporarily being able to perform magic in works from the series Harry Potter but not outside of them.
Date: ██/██/████
Test Material: The lyrics to the song "Bohemian Rhapsody", by Queen
Results: The words "Mama, just killed a man, Put a gun against his head, Pulled my trigger, now he's dead." are replaced by "Mama, almost killed a man, Put a gun against poor Fred, but I failed since he's not dead."
Notes: Didn't we already do this? -Dr. █████
Date: ██/██/████
Test Material: "1984" by George Orwell, popular alias of Eric A. Blair
Results: The man previously only referred to as "beetle-like" in the canteen is now recalled by Winston to have been named Fred, and to work "somewhere inside the narrow hallways of the Ministry of Plenty". Later in the novel, Winston reflects that "he had not seen Fred in the canteen for some months now, either." No other changes noted.
Notes: SCP-423 apparently returned to the journal almost immediately and wrote before questions could be asked that it "needed a minute." After approximately 3.5 hours, it clarified its answer with another response, as transcribed below:
I'm sorry for taking so long. It… I could see the suffocating logic of Orwell's system, and how monolithic the oppression he created was. The book was watching me… look, I don't want to do this again. At least Animal Farm had more places to hide.
Addendum: While this adds 1984 to the list of novels that we could potentially use as punishment, we also now know that SCP-423 was exposed to other novels prior to containment. It would be worthwhile to create a complete list of these, through questioning or otherwise. He made it easy for us by starting on the letter A, anyhow. - Dr. Szczepański
Date: ██/██/████
Test Material: A printout of the gamescript for "Persona 5". Result was laser-scanned and the raw text compiled into a working program after being screened for anomalies.
Results: After the protagonist awakens in the Velvet Room for the first time, a new character named Fred appears in Cafe Leblanc. Additional sprites and models for him have him appear as a blond-haired young man in a blue uniform; talking to him has him introduce himself as a record keeper for the Velvet Room, and he elaborates that he will be following the protagonist's journey with great interest. Fred appears in multiple different locations in the game, and talking to him will start a short conversation on his thoughts about the protagonist's journey so far, specifically on recent events in-game. No characters notice him until the final Palace, where he appears in the Velvet Room following Igor's release; a short scene is added where he explains that he was unable to return to the Velvet Room until Igor was freed.
Notes: The same experiment on "Persona 5 Royal" (an expanded and enhanced version of the game) produced near identical results, the only difference being that Fred would discuss new events and characters in the game, and is present in the 3rd semester arc.
Date: ██/██/████
Test Material: Atlanta Nights, a 2004 work written by a collective of authors in an attempt to produce an unpublishably bad novel, so as to prove that a particular vanity press had no quality standards. Flaws include two different versions of chapter 12; chapter 4 and chapter 17 being identical; chapter 21 being absent; chapter 34 being written by a random text generator; and the revelation — several chapters before the end — that everything had been a dream, after which the story continues anyway. Notably, the initials of all named characters in the book form a hidden message.
Results: no change. SCP-423 stated in its journal
Oh my god, you actually found a copy of Atlanta Nights. You bastards. I'm not going back in there, you can't make me.
and refused to comment further. Examination of other copies of Atlanta Nights reveals the presence, in chapter 8, of a waiter named "Frederick" (also referred to as "Frederic" and "Frederik"); the hidden message composed of character initials contains no 'F's.
Whether this is an indication of SCP-423's origins, or simply of its activities before coming into Foundation custody, is unknown.
Date: ██/██/████
Test Material: The Monk, by Matthew Lewis.
Results: Unlike other tests, SCP-423 took a more direct involvement in the plot. When the titular character Ambrosio breaks into the home of the fifteen-year-old Antonia and her mother Elvira with the intention of raping the former, a previously unseen character, Frederico, takes him by surprise and raises the alarm, waking the neighbors and Antonia's mother. He then reveals Ambrosio's intentions to the shock of everyone present, whose doubts are dispelled when Elvira reveals she previously suspected Ambrosio of attempting to force himself upon Antonia. This leads to Ambrosio's arrest and his trial, where he is found guilty and sentenced to life imprisonment. Frederico did not partake further after his only appearance.
Notes: SCP-423 left the following in his journal.
I know I owe you an explanation for that. I broke the mold, I admit it. I don't normally enjoy doing that at all, it feels disrespectful, but… this was different. There was no way in hell I could just stand by and do nothing while somebody is about to be violated. No one deserves to go through that. No one.
That morality was the primary factor in SCP-423 breaking their usual pattern has been noted for future tests.
Date: ██/██/████
Test Material: Sheet Music of The Piano Sonata No. 14 (More well known as Moonlight Sonata)
by Ludwig van Beethoven.
Results: Notably, SCP-423 took approximately 15 minutes (the average amount of time taken to perform this piece) to return to the journal. A new section of the song, lasting about 4 minutes, transcribed a basic melody that is stylistically and idealistically similar to the original piece. The section is prefaced with staff instructions suonato come farebbe Fred (Played as Fred would).
Performances of the modified piece, which was performed by Agent █████ using a piano moved into the containment room, has been described by Foundation Members attending the concert as soothing but unremarkable.
Notes: SCP-423 noted the following in his journal:
That was quite relaxing. That's a really interesting way to tell a story- I'm curious: Do you have anything like that I could try out? It takes some getting used to.
I wasn't expecting that to work. I'm pleasantly surprised! - Dr. Z█████
I Propose we continue testing with music-related experiments. It's not that I'm a fan of Fred's music or anything. - Dr. K. Marker
I don't like how you brought unnecessary spectators to watch, but seeing as it boosted morale, I'll let it slide. But don't do that again. - O5-█, to personnel involved
Date: ██/██/████
Test Material: SCP-3345. Subject D-1994 was instructed to hold SCP-3345 with no protective clothing.
Results: SCP-3345’s narrative surrounding the crimes of D-1994 were unchanged. However, during the conclusion of the first parole hearing of D-1994, a previously unnamed guard called Fred leads D-1994 away from the parole board and congratulates D-1994 on their “early release”.
Notes: SCP-423 was returned to the Journal before the end of SCP-3345 reset 24-hour period. When returned to the journal, SCP-423 noted “that was too real for my liking, he seemed like a good guy just brought up in the wrong family”. At the end of the questions, SCP-423 stated “I wouldn’t try that again, I don’t think it wanted me to be there”. Further attempts to transfer SCP-423 to SCP-3345 have since failed with SCP-423 stating “Sorry, it has locked me out”.
Addendum: Before SCP-423 was transferred from SCP-3345, D-1994 was questioned regarding the events of their first parole hearing. D-1994’s description of the events matched that found in SCP-3345. D-1994, furthermore, remembered a guard congratulating them on the results of the parole hearing, but D-1994 could not recall their name. After SCP-423 was returned to the Journal, D-1994’s description of the parole hearing and the guards congratulations did not change.
Date: ██/██/████
Test Material: The Hardy Boys Volume 1: The Tower Treasure
Results: One of the protagonists, Joe Hardy meets a minor character named Fredrick ████. No changes are made to the story.
Date: ██/██/████
Test Material: The Call of Cthulhu by H. P. Lovecraft
Results: SCP-423 disappeared for roughly three hours, before re-manifesting. No changes were to note. SCP-423 states, in hard to understand handwriting: "No. Never Again. No more Lovecraft, please."
Notes: Method could be used as punishment, although it seems to have caused a lot of distress.
Date: ██/██/████
Test Material: "Herbert West, Re-Animator" by H. P. Lovecraft
Results: N/A. SCP-423 refused to enter, stating: "No. More. Lovecraft."
Notes: Seems SCP-423 can understand what the media is before entering. Works by H. P. Lovecraft are banned from further testing.
Date: ██/██/████
Test Material: Printed image of Byblos Syllabary Document d
Results: Seven characters changed, near the middle of the third line. Using the 'reversed k' symbol added as a sign for the middle of SCP-423's name, the sign resembling a tic-tac-toe board may be guessed to correspond to the letter F. Curiously, as the signs following the 'reversed k' are unchanged, despite what would be expected for a Semitic language, the 'Dalet' symbol was not inserted. SCP-423 referred to the text, afterwards, as "boring".
Date: ██/██/████
Test Material: The 120 Days of Sodom, or the School of Libertinage by Donatien Alphonse François, Marquis de Sade (translated from French)
Results: A fifth 'master' appears in the book, named Frederick and no last name given. This character does not partake in any of the torture and rape, instead spending most of his time talking to the four madams. The other masters express great mistrust regarding this person due to the apparent discomfort caused to him by all the torment inflicted upon members of the masters' harem. Halfway through the book, this character flees the castle, taking several members of the harem with himself and leaving behind a note expressing disapproval regarding the work of the other masters. The remaining four masters later become obsessed with the escapee, fearing that he might alert the German police force to have them arrested. The book ends with the four masters committing mass suicide shortly after releasing all their hostages into the forests.
SCP-423 commented on this experience by stating "I tried giving it a chance because it's considered a classic, but halfway through, I realized I just can't take any of this."
Notes: What the [EXPLETIVE REDACTED]? Why'd you do this to the poor guy? I thought we agreed on introducing SCP-423 to erotic works no more? - Dr. Vang
Well… Honestly… I thought it would be funny. - Dr. Chair
Go [EXPLETIVE REDACTED] yourself Alan. - Dr. Edison
Date: ██/██/████
Test Material: SCP-152
Results: A character with the name of "Fred" or a variation thereof appeared in several of the stories found in SCP-152. All stories inhibiting SCP-423 carried a common aspect: Each of the stories in which the aforementioned character appears include a radical transformation of the story's setting into a post-apocalyptic wasteland inhabited by a sparse number of humans. The character appears as a survivor of the apocalypse and usually as part of a larger gang of survivors wandering the wasteland in search of other humans and nutrition. SCP-423 displayed the ability to alter the narrative of the stories within SCP-152 to its own liking, similar to how SCP-152's writing style alters itself when exposed to a human reader.
Notes: After returning to its journal, SCP-423 expressed that it had found the experience to be both extremely exciting and adventurous. SCP-423 requested to be allowed access to SCP-152 again in future experiments. Request to periodically expose SCP-423 to SCP-152 as a reward for good behavior is pending.
Date: ██/██/████
Test Material: The Shadow of the Torturer, by Gene Wolfe
Results: SCP-423 disappeared for several hours; however, no notable changes occurred to the text. Upon returning, it took SCP-423 two hours to recuperate. Upon questioning, SCP-423 related having briefly interacted with the character of Severian but was equally confused that the encounter wasn't recorded in the text. SCP-423 expressed reluctance to reenter, stating, "It's denser than gravity."
Notes: I have a theory. I think because of the unreliable nature of Severian's narration, which includes leaving out certain events, SCP-423's encounter also wasn't recorded. How or why that's possible, I'm not sure. In any case, I'm interested in more texts like this one to experiment with. I'll try another Gene Wolfe story later. - Researcher Lang
Date: ██/██/████
Test Material: Text regarding the province devoid of labels.
Results: Testing forbidden by 05-█.
Date: ██/██/████
Test Material: "Ender's Game", by Orson Scott Card.
Results: Throughout the narrative, a newly enrolled student named Fred consistently emerges, making multiple appearances across various sections of the story. Notably, Fred is prominently featured in numerous battle room games, swiftly challenging opponents in succession, ultimately earning a place within Ender's Dragon Army.
Date: ██/██/████
Test Material: Experiment Log T-98816-OC108/682
Results: An entry surfaced within the Experiment Logs detailing an experiment conducted by "Guest Researcher Fred." The experiment proposed a potential crossover scenario between SCP-████ and SCP-682.
Notes: You know, it's actually quite interesting. We never really thought about testing SCP-████ with SCP-682 before. Maybe we should give it a try sometime. -Dr. Avenlee
Proposal denied. -O5-█
Date: ██/██/████
Test Material: SCP-423's file
Results: No changes, other than all instances of SCP-423 being changed into "Fred"
Notes: None
Date: ██/██/████
Test Material: "Moon Rising" (Wings of Fire book 6), by Tui T. Sutherland
Results: Instances of the normally one-off SeaWing Barracuda were replaced by one named Ford. Ford took a larger role in the story than Barracuda (though not as large as the characters in the primary Jade Winglet): he was explicitly named in the opening, where it was also found that his mind was unreadable by Moonwatcher; he was present in the underground lake Turtle and Moon went to after the history cave explosion, where he was noticeably concerned about the prospect of a mind reader before Moon told him that his mind was also unreadable; he fled from the cafeteria with everyone else present when the stalactite nearly killed Icicle; and when Turtle told Moon about how he got his skyfire8, he noted that Ford had come with him and took one piece for himself, leaving Turtle the other five. He was described by Turtle as an old commoner friend of his, with a bad habit of snooping around in the Summer Palace when he wasn't supposed to. No character took this role in the original story.
When SCP-423 returned to the journal, it noted that the book "had a weird vibe, like something bad was underneath me all the time, and it could see into my head."
Notes: His aversion to death also applies to having his mind read, it seems. Wonder what secrets he's hiding. - Junior Researcher Olivia