太平洋司令部1943 版式
使用:太平洋司令部1943 CSS版式
- SCP-987-KO的专用主题版式。
- 请在页面上方插入以下代码,以应用该版式。
[[include :scp-wiki-cn:theme:pacom1943]]
- This is the original theme for SCP-987-KO.
- Add the following code on the top of your page.
[[include :scp-wiki-cn:theme:pacom1943]]
@charset "utf-8"; /* 태평양사령부 CSS 테마 [2020 Wikidot Theme] Edited by thd-glasses. Based on Anderson Robotics theme created by Croquembouche, with help from Jacob Conwell and OthellotheCat. */ /*-----------------------*\ * Fonts and Colours * \*-----------------------*/ @import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Montserrat:400,600|Raleway|Roboto+Mono'); /* @import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Special+Elite&display=swap'); */ /* @import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Nanum+Myeongjo'); @import url('http://scpko.wdfiles.com/local--files/unfont/UnJamoBatang.css'); */ @font-face { font-family: Aozora; src: url('https://cdn.leafscape.be/aozoramincho/AozoraMinchoMedium_web.woff2') format("woff2"); } :root { --background: #F2E8DA; --main: #b01; --highlight: #000; --hyperlink: #b01; --hyperlink-visited: #824; --padding: 2em; --padding-ng: -2em; } /* 适配 */ #page-content .creditButtonStandalone p a { color: #b01; background: #f7e9dc; box-shadow: 0 0 2px #b01; border: 1.5px solid #b01; } @media (max-width: 385px) { #container #header h1, #container #header h2 { margin-left: -webkit-calc(100px + 0.5%); margin-left: -moz-calc(100px + 0.5%); margin-left: calc(100px + 0.1%); margin-right: 0; } #container #header h1 { font-size: 170%; } #top-bar li a { padding: 1px 0.6rem; } } body { font-family: 'Roboto Mono','Aozora', '思源宋体 CN', 'Noto Serif SC', '新宋体','Nanum Myeongjo',sans-serif; background: var(--background) url(http://scpko.wdfiles.com/local--files/theme%3Apacom1943/body_bg.jpg) center -100em repeat; -webkit-background-size: 1920px 2500px; background-size: 1920px 2500px; text-align: justify; } textarea[name=source] { font-family: 'Roboto Mono',monospace; } a, a.newpage { color: var(--hyperlink); } a:visited { color: var(--hyperlink-visited); } a, a.newpage, a:visited { text-decoration: underline; } #side-bar a, #side-bar a.newpage, #side-bar a:visited, #breadcrumbs a { text-decoration: none; } .comments-box { margin-top: 1.5em; } ::selection { background-color: var(--main); color: var(--background); } table.wiki-content-table { line-height: 18px; } .cell { border-right: 2px solid var(--main); margin: -0.35em 0.6em -0.35em -1em; padding: 0.35em 1em 0.35em 0; display:inline-block; min-width: 60px; } /*--------------------*\ * Titles/Headers * \*--------------------*/ h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, #page-title { font-family: Huiwen-mincho, 'Special Elite', lisu, 'Aozora', '思源宋体 CN', 'Noto Serif SC', '新宋体', 'UnJamoBatang',sans-serif; } h1, #page-title { color: #000; } #page-title { display: block; font-size: 2.4em; border-bottom: 2px solid var(--main); padding: 0 0 0.2em 2.5%; width: 97.5%; min-height: 39px; margin: 0.5em 0 0 0; } #breadcrumbs { position: absolute; top: 1.5em; margin-left: 1em; } #main-content { margin: 0 3.3em 0 20em; padding: 2em 0 2em 0; border-left: 2px solid var(--main); border-right: 2px solid var(--main); } #page-content { margin: -0.8em 0 0 0; padding: 0 var(--padding) 2em var(--padding); border-bottom: 2px solid var(--main); } #action-area { width: 95%; padding-left: 3em; } #footer{ margin-top: 0px; } /*------------------*\ * Top Header * \*------------------*/ div#container-wrap { background: url(http://scpko.wdfiles.com/local--files/theme%3Apacom1943/report_bg.png) 50% 0% no-repeat; } #header { background-image: url(http://scpko.wdfiles.com/local--files/theme%3Apacom1943/header.png); background-position: -5px 0px; -webkit-background-size: 233px; background-size: 233px; } #header h1 { margin-left: 245px; } #header h2 { margin-left: 245px; margin-top: 10px; } #header h1 a { background: transparent; font-family:Huiwen-mincho, 'Special Elite', lisu, 'Aozora', '思源宋体 CN', 'Noto Serif SC', '新宋体', 'UnJamoBatang',sans-serif; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; letter-spacing: -0.05em; font-weight: 400; /* hide real header */ line-height: 0px; max-height: 0px; color: transparent; } #header h1 a::before { content: "SCP太平洋司令部"; /* SCP PACIFIC COMMAND */ color: var(--main); } #header h2 span { background: transparent; font-family: 'Roboto Mono','Aozora', '思源宋体 CN', 'Noto Serif SC', '新宋体','Nanum Myeongjo',sans-serif; text-shadow: none; letter-spacing: -0.05em; font-weight: 600; color: #eee; /* hide real header */ line-height: 0px; max-height: 0px; color: transparent; } #header h2 span::before { content: "致: ███████ “戈登” ███ 司令"; color: var(--main); } #search-top-box{ top: 8.6em; } #search-top-box-input { background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); border: none; box-shadow: none; border-radius: 0; padding: 2px; font-family: 'Special Elite', 'Aozora', '思源宋体 CN', 'Noto Serif SC', '新宋体','Nanum Myeongjo',monospace; color: #000; } #search-top-box input.empty{ color: var(--main); padding: 2px; } #search-top-box-input:hover { border: none; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); color: #000; } #search-top-box-input:focus { border: none; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); box-shadow: none; color: #000; } #search-top-box-form input[type=submit] { border: solid 2px var(--main); color: var(--main); background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); box-shadow: none; border-radius: 0; font-family: 'Special Elite', 'Aozora', '思源宋体 CN', 'Noto Serif SC', '新宋体','Nanum Myeongjo',monospace; } #search-top-box-form input[type=submit]:hover, #search-top-box-form input[type=submit]:focus { border: solid 1px var(--main); color: var(--highlight); background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); } #login-status,#login-status a,#login-status ul a { color: var(--main); text-decoration: none; } #top-bar { font-size: 1em; } #top-bar a { color: var(--main); text-decoration: none; } #top-bar ul { border-left: solid 2px var(--main); border-right: solid 2px var(--main); } #top-bar ul li ul { border-left: none; border-right: none; border-bottom: solid 2px var(--main); box-shadow: none; } #top-bar ul.sfhover a, #top-bar ul:hover a { border-left: none; border-right: none; } #top-bar ul li.sfhover a, #top-bar ul li:hover a { background: var(--background); color: var(--main); } #top-bar ul li.sfhover ul li a, #top-bar ul li:hover ul li a { border-top: 2px solid var(--main); } #top-bar ul li.sfhover a:hover, #top-bar ul li:hover a:hover { background: var(--background); color: var(--highlight); } #top-bar ul li ul a, #top-bar a:hover { color: var(--highlight); background: var(--background); } /*----------------------------------------*\ * Height Adjustment for central border * \*----------------------------------------*/ #content-wrap { margin-top: 0em; min-height: 1660px; } #side-bar { top: 3.5em; } /*------------------*\ * Side Bar * \*------------------*/ #side-bar .side-block { border: none; border-radius: 0; box-shadow: none; background: transparent !important; padding: 0; } #side-bar .side-block img { -webkit-filter: grayscale(100%); filter: gray; } #side-bar .side-block img:hover { -webkit-filter: grayscale(0%); filter: none; } #side-bar .heading { border: none; border-radius: 0; color: var(--main); font-family: Huiwen-mincho, 'Special Elite', lisu, 'Aozora', '思源宋体 CN', 'Noto Serif SC', '新宋体', 'UnJamoBatang',sans-serif; font-size: 1.2em; padding: 1em 1em 0 0; border-top: 2px solid var(--main); margin: 1em calc(-1em + 2px) 1em 0; font-weight: normal; } #side-bar div.menu-item { margin: 0; font-size: 0; display: flex; justify-content: space-evenly; align-items: center; } #side-bar div.menu-item a { font-weight: normal; flex: 1; } #side-bar .menu-item > img { display: none; } #side-bar .menu-item > a { transition: all 0.1s ease-in-out; display: block; color: var(--highlight); margin: 0; padding: 0.4em 0; font-size: 12.8px; } #side-bar .menu-item > a:hover { background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.04); color: var(--main); text-decoration: none; } /*--------------------*\ * Horizontal Rules * \*--------------------*/ hr { background-color: var(--main); height: 2px; margin: -0.8em var(--padding-ng) -0.8em var(--padding-ng); } blockquote > hr, div.blockquote > hr { margin: -0.8em -1em -0.8em -1em; } #side-bar hr { display: none; } /*-------------------*\ * Blockquotes * \*-------------------*/ blockquote, div.blockquote { border: 2px solid var(--main); background-color: transparent; } /*-----------------------*\ * Rating & Tags * \*-----------------------*/ .page-rate-widget-box, #page-content .creditRate { box-shadow: none; margin: 0 -1em 0 0; margin-right: -1em; } .page-rate-widget-box, .page-rate-widget-box .rate-points, .page-rate-widget-box .cancel, #page-content .creditRate { border-radius: 0; } .page-rate-widget-box .rate-points { background-color: var(--background) !important; border: solid 2px var(--main); color: var(--main); } .page-rate-widget-box .rateup, .page-rate-widget-box .ratedown { background-color: var(--background); border-top: solid 2px var(--main); border-bottom: solid 2px var(--main); } .page-rate-widget-box .rateup a, .page-rate-widget-box .ratedown a { color: var(--main); } .page-rate-widget-box .rateup a:hover, .page-rate-widget-box .ratedown a:hover { background: var(--background); color: var(--highlight); } .page-rate-widget-box .cancel { background-color: var(--background); border: solid 2px var(--main); } .page-rate-widget-box .cancel a { color: var(--main); } .page-rate-widget-box .cancel a:hover { background-color: var(--background); color: var(--highlight); } /* Info Rating Module */ .rate-box-with-credit-button { background-color: var(--background) !important; border: 2px solid var(--main) !important; border-radius: 0px !important; box-shadow: none !important; } .rate-box-with-credit-button .creditButton p a { border-left: 0 !important; color: var(--main); } .rate-box-with-credit-button .creditButton p a:hover { color: var(--highlight); } .rate-box-with-credit-button .page-rate-widget-box .cancel { border-right: 2px solid var(--main) !important; } .rate-box-with-credit-button .page-rate-widget-box .rate-points { border-left: 0; } /* Heritage Collection Rating Module */ .heritage-rating-module { border-radius: 0; border: none; background-color: var(--main); box-shadow: none; } .heritage-rating-module .heritage-emblem { padding-right: 0.5em; } .heritage-rating-module .heritage-emblem img { mix-blend-mode: luminosity; } .heritage-rating-module .heritage-emblem img:hover { mix-blend-mode: normal; } .heritage-rating-module .creditButton p a { border-left: 0 !important; } /* tags */ #main-content .page-tags { margin-top: 0; } #main-content .page-tags span { border: none; padding-left: 1em; padding-top: 0.5em; } #main-content .page-tags a, #page-options-bottom a, #page-options-bottom-2 a { text-decoration: none; } /*------------------*\ * Tabs * \*------------------*/ .yui-navset .yui-content{ border: transparent; border-bottom: 2px solid var(--main); background-color: transparent; margin: 0 var(--padding-ng) 0 var(--padding-ng); padding: 0 var(--padding) 0 var(--padding); } .yui-navset:after { float: right; content: "【札尾】"; color: var(--main); font-size: 90%; font-weight: 400; margin: 0.2em 2em 0.5em; } .yui-navset .yui-nav a { background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) url(http://scpko.wdfiles.com/local--files/theme%3Apacom1943/report_bg.png) repeat-x; border: 0px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); border-top: 0px solid var(--main); font-family:Huiwen-mincho, 'Special Elite', lisu, 'Aozora', '思源宋体 CN', 'Noto Serif SC', '新宋体', 'UnJamoBatang',sans-serif; font-size: 1.2em; font-weight: 500; color: var(--main); } .yui-navset .yui-nav a em { border-top: solid; border-top-width: 2px; border-top-color: var(--main); } .yui-navset .yui-nav .selected a, .yui-navset .yui-nav .selected a em, .yui-navset .yui-nav .selected a:focus, /* no focus effect for selected */ .yui-navset .yui-nav .selected a:hover { /* no hover effect for selected */ background: var(--main); /* selected tab background */ border-top: solid; border-top-width: 1px; border-top-color: var(--main); font-family:Huiwen-mincho, 'Special Elite', lisu, 'Aozora', '思源宋体 CN', 'Noto Serif SC', '新宋体', 'UnJamoBatang',sans-serif; color: var(--background); } .yui-navset .yui-nav a:hover, .yui-navset .yui-nav a:focus { color: var(--highlight); background: none; text-decoration: none; } .yui-navset .yui-nav, .yui-navset .yui-navset-top .yui-nav { border-color: var(--main); border-width:0 0 2px; margin: 0 var(--padding-ng) 0 var(--padding-ng); padding-left: var(--padding); } /*--------------------*\ * Tables * \*--------------------*/ table.wiki-content-table td { /* rgba is useless here */ border: 2px solid; border-color: var(--main); } table.wiki-content-table th { border: 2px solid; border-color: var(--main); background-color: var(--main); color: var(--background); } /*------------------*\ * Images * \*------------------*/ #page-content .scp-image-block { margin-top: 1.3em; border: none; box-shadow: none; } #page-content .scp-image-block .scp-image-caption { border: none; background-color: transparent; font-size: 0.9em; } #page-content .scp-image-block.block-right { margin-right: 0; } /*------------------*\ * Mobile * \*------------------*/ @media (max-width: 767px) { #main-content { margin: 0 5%; padding: 2em 0 2em 0; } #page-title { margin-top: 0.9em; } #side-bar { background-color: var(--background); left: -19em; } #side-bar .close-menu { transition: width 0.5s ease-in-out 0.1s, opacity 1s ease-in-out 0s; display: block; position: fixed; width: 100%; height: 100%; top: 0; right: 0; background: rgba(0,0,0,0.3); background-position: 19em 50%; z-index: -1; opacity: 0; pointer-events: none; } #side-bar:target .close-menu { width: calc(100% - 19em); right: 0; left: auto; opacity: 1; pointer-events: auto; } #side-bar .heading { margin: 1em -1em 1em -5em; padding-left: 5em; } } @media (max-width: 479px) { div#container-wrap { background: url(http://scpko.wdfiles.com/local--files/theme%3Apacom1943/mobile_bg_s.png) left 0% no-repeat !important; } #header { -webkit-background-size: 70px; background-size: 70px; background-position: 0px 50px; } #header h1 a { font-size: 135%; } #header h1, #header h2 { margin-left: 100px; } } /* Small Mobile Media Query */ @media (max-width: 385px) { #content-wrap { width: 400px; margin-left: -20px; } #main-content { width: 100%; margin: 0 auto; border: none; } #header { background-position: 8% 4em; } #header h1 a { font-size: 125%; } #header h2 span::before { content: "致:戈登司令" !important; /* TO. COMMANDER GORDON */ } #header h1, #header h2 { margin-left: -webkit-calc(105px + 5%); margin-left: -moz-calc(105px + 5%); margin-left: calc(105px + 5%); } } /* Note Media Query */ @media (min-width: 480px) and (max-width: 580px) { #header { -webkit-background-size: 100px; background-size: 100px; background-position: 0px 30px; } #header h1 a { font-size: 140%; } #header h1, #header h2 { margin-left: 140px; } } /* Mini Tablet Media Query */ @media (min-width: 581px) and (max-width: 767px) { #header { -webkit-background-size: 100px; background-size: 100px; background-position: 0px 30px; } #header h1 a { font-size: 140%; } #header h1, #header h2 { margin-left: 130px; } } /* Tablet Media Query */ @media (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 1104px) { #header { background: url(none); } #header h1, #header h2 { margin-left: 215px; } #main-content { margin-left: 18em; } #side-bar { background-image: url(http://scpko.wdfiles.com/local--files/theme%3Apacom1943/header.png); background-position: right top; background-repeat: no-repeat; -webkit-background-size: 233px; background-size: 233px; margin-top: -16.15em; margin-left: -1.425em; padding-top: 16.15em; padding-right: 0.545em; } #side-bar .heading { margin: 1em calc(-1em + 8px) 1em -5em; padding-left: 5em; } } @media (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 1080px) { #header h1, #header h2 { margin-left: 200px; } } /* custom for small device */ @media (max-width: 767px) { div#container-wrap { background: url(http://scpko.wdfiles.com/local--files/theme%3Apacom1943/mobile_bg.png) left 0% no-repeat; } #header { background-image: url(http://scpko.wdfiles.com/local--files/theme%3Apacom1943/pacom.png); } #side-bar { top: 0em; } #action-area { width: 100%; padding-left: 2.5%; } } @media (max-width: 580px) { #header h1 a::before { /* content: "SCP PACOM"; */ } #header h2 span::before { content: "致:█. “G.” ███ 司令"; /* TO. COMMANDER █. “GORDON” ███ */ } } /* search-box control */ @media (max-width: 800px) { #search-top-box-input { display: none; } } /* mobile side-bar open button */ .open-menu a { left: 0%; border-radius: 0; border-color: var(--main) !important; border-width: 2px 2px 2px 0 !important; padding: 0.1em; color: var(--main) !important; background: var(--background) !important; } /* RAISA ribbon customizing */ .raisa { margin-left: calc( -22em - ( 49.9vw - 517px ) ); } @media (max-width: 1104px) { .raisa { margin-left: calc( -49.23vw + 279px ); position: absolute; left: 0px; } } @media (max-width: 1038px) { .raisa { margin-left: -18.2em; } } @media (max-width: 767px) { .raisa { margin-left: calc( -4.87vw - 3px ); } .raisamargin { width: 0px; } } @media (max-width: 479px) { .raisa { margin-left: -2.1em; } } @media (max-width: 385px) { .raisa { margin-left: 0em; } }
页面版本: 8, 最后编辑于: 27 Sep 2024 23:12